Thursday, March 5, 2009

Srb Calulator For The Navy

Princess Noana Joy Janzen was born!

Yesterday on 03.04.2009 at 2.33 clock at night is our long awaited princess born!
Noana Joy Janzen
say it is and the most beautiful girl in the whole world!

noticed than four hours before Sandy, after we had made ready for bed, it went off and then everything happened very quickly and call midwife from the hospital in Recklinghausen. We were just in time because, otherwise it would have a home birth ...

Noana Joy comes with 3700g and 53cm on the world and is healthy and sweet without end! the rest of the night and the following we slept together in the family room at the hospital and arrived just at home. Now for the first time "resting" and is enjoying the day.

... and I can only stress again that she is the prettiest princess!

PS: here you can see who has won the bet birthday.


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