Friday, July 22, 2005

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The streaks of light moving!

This is the last post in raking light at this address.
more and better features - and more convenience for the valued visitors! - Have convinced me of the newly elected provider.

So hopefully See you there!

PS: Friendly people have made my local blog with a link to their pages honor. I hope not to strain her kindness with a change of address by Grazing Angle tolerable dimensions. ;-)

Thursday, July 21, 2005

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The Gaza withdrawal: To fail?

The Swiss World Week writes Moshe Zimmermann about the dangers that threaten despite or because of the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

"The question is whether a Palestinian or an Israeli fanatic first a match to the fuse holds and when it comes to the Israeli camp goes. On which side it will be the first death is it a brutal attack on? Palestinians give? If an Israeli soldier, which converts the Sharon policy, or a settler, who provoked a soldier to shoot, the trigger of the Great Fire? Most advocates on both sides for restraint. hoping for a peaceful outcome of this phase. But likely? a violent outbreak. " (Source: World week )

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Recommended reading: Leon de Winter at

From David Harnasch :

A profound article by Leon de Winter about the attacks in London and European reactions to Islamist extremism.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

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Recommended reading: Berman interview at

time again I have to thank the friends of the open society a valuable reading:

Paul Berman, who will become part of the democratic left in America with his book Terror and Liberalism ? was perceived in Germany also by a wider audience, is in an interview the Jewish Internet magazine " " questions.

noticing and reading, as this passage illustrates, perhaps, in which he, in his view "triple naivety" of many people in the West again takes aim:

"For the first it seems as the place terrorists only a small phenomenon, Perhaps it is only a few hundred people that could be mixed up quickly by police and special forces. This should solve the problem. If we do this and do will not do anything stupid that would bring back a few hundred to follow the terrorists, would be the theme done. But that is in my eyes very naive. For my opinion, the terrorists themselves are only the radical, armed Wing of a political movement, which in reality has many millions of followers. may turn a few hundred to be a good idea, but the problem would be solved. Millions are ready to support these ideas. This is an illusion.

The second naive is to believe that there must be some for terrorist acts normal, rational and legitimate circumstance that justifies this, ie that the violence reflected the terrorists something Actual and thus a kind of rational analysis of events follows. Look, for example, the discussion about Clinton and Barak's offer at Camp David, it has been assessed as inadequate. Because 95% of the country were not enough, it had 97%, 98% or even 100% has to be. This small difference is said to have made three million people so crazy that they saw no other response than to kill themselves and thousands of others? Only because of a few square kilometers of land? So if this is not the deplorable state of affairs was understandable, so there must have been probably another, and as the United States must have all done something terrible, but we have not really noticed. Perhaps the U.S. has supported the Arabs or not enough that we have supported the wrong Arabs or anything else. Everyone is looking for a reasonable, rational reason for the understandable maladministration, who founded the terrorist. But in my view, there are some countries and some political movements, the best with the word? Totalitarian? describe are, for example, operate on the basis of mythological imagination and paranoid conspiracy theories. This may be my opinion, not analyzed and understood by for rational reasons and substantive explanations.

The third great naivete there is a lot of people is that they consider America to fascist or see but on the way to fascism. This is a view that share a lot of people outside the United States, but it is also a certain number of Americans who are of this hysteria after the attacks are caught. Now Bush has promoted this view perhaps, his lack of education, his inability to communicate, his refusal to understand other views and even his qualities that I think is disgusting?. Nevertheless. The conclusion, America is, or becomes a fascist state, a wild illusion, a complete nonsense "(Source: is

Monday, July 18, 2005

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fact and fiction

In this link to a page the Financial Times Germany found a very useful, though still small collection of political statements and their refutation.

Friday, July 15, 2005

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grapeshot! Blame yourself!

In a comment of Mr. Dieter Schubert in the former FDJ sheet that claims to have catapulted themselves by re-typing your own name well into the modern world, read the following:

"There is not a viable political program or a special social sensitivity to the impoverishment of large sectors of the population. How could they? because that would create millions of jobs and then working there wage obtained which allows an existence outside of food and drink. Thus, the FRG, which are loud-mouthed in the 80 years soared to the window to the east, had completely . Overtaxed "

The malice is hard to miss:
The FRG, the evil of"! Bonner ultras "- wait, now they are sitting in Berlin - packaged controlled capitalist state it is not easy
The already saved Honecker times daily propgagierte mass impoverishment of the West German working class is on the increase,
. And - yah - the shelves of supermarkets emit no longer as bright
loudmouthed is capitalism! (Perhaps it is because the gray contrast is missing the East German department store offer?)! And now he sees that he (it?) can not!

Sun sounds of Mr. Schubert.
But it gets even better: for no only the capitalist-imperialist FRG is to revile. No, there was still something! One can literally see the pain that prepares our brave comrades East reminder:
It was but the East Germans themselves, demanding the freedom and the West threw at the neck. Then this unfaithful Pack gets just as well still be fat:

"Yes, the east and gentlemen, many of the former shop window gazers are now a little about their former stupidity own fault like to say first they were given the freedom in general... . Then the video recorder, car and cheap holidays in Spain. And when they thought everything will be fine, they were freed from their jobs. "

grapeshot! Since you now have your fucking freedom! Previously you had indeed not a "freedom in general," you had no video recorder, a plastic-cardboard mixture was sold as a car and wait for you Do you needed her to also provide a good decade - but you had at least "work"! Your durftet for less purchasing power at least do as if your hands would create prosperity work!

So much pain and hate and so much bitterness distorted scrawl - poor Mr. Schubert!

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Pakistan on the brink

seem to win in Pakistan, the Islamists gaining ground. At least if the language is poor and obviously in a hurry piecemeal Spiegel article follows (" ... a country that is armed with nuclear missiles and nuclear weapons. )

The question is at what point could the intervention of the international community makes sense. When the Islamists took power and thus have control over the nuclear missiles (and even nuclear weapons!) Won, it may be too late. There is probably no gruesome than the concept of a combination of totalitarian, hostile ideology with such weapons destruction capabilities.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

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Reflex Jammer - but no fatwa against bin Laden

in the World Week article is analyzed accurately, that Islamist terror in Islam itself is created and not summarily the West can be blamed.

The conclusion is sobering: Real and serious efforts of the religious leaders of Islam, the fanatics from their own ranks to stop missing so far.
polemical shortened but this deficiency is noted clarification:
"were pronounced death sentences against writers like Salman Rushdie or Taslima Nasrim because they had dared to problematize Koranic beliefs But so far fared even of no more important religious authority issued a fatwa. against mass murderers like Bin Laden or Zarqawi. "

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pathetic praise of self-interest

"The Bernstein Declaration" - a (perhaps only in the translation somewhat bumpy) paean to the Capitalism. Must be sometimes.

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14th July

What I celebrate today?
a small man who therefore promises to be bold, independent and dynamic.

Sounds like a real Frenchman. But it is a real Eimsbüttler.
But as the father has shown must not be so insurmountable opposition. ;-)

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The "we" on the glue gone

Linked found on the mill freedom, I would like on this on too:

"The virus is spreading inexorably from the collectivism"

A warning to the Liberals, in fight against the Islamist enemies of freedom not the collectivists and go to restrict the freedom in their own country for your line.

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fundamental right despise

The Union faction in the Bundestag pleads for the storage of telephone and Internet data (see article at heise ) - and the concern about the erosion of civil rights are not even discussed or completely serious issue. But are denounced as "ideologised fight against the alleged police state".

This inexperience in dealing with our freedom and our fundamental rights, then nevertheless alarming.
Especially if one assumes that these people may soon be in government.
A liberal is an urgent corrective necessary, a large coalition of the state power-groupies Union and the SPD would be fatal. Whether
known to be practiced in the buckling of FDP can present this corrective? I doubt turn yet.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

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Up or down or what?

in time a more pointed review of Robert's easy to find, in which he commented on the debate on the electoral program of the Union recorded sales tax increase.

And it sounds convincing: the decoupling of the social-financed by the labor expense. The VAT is a tax that can be circumvented at least.
And the tax preference, the German economy to foreign companies (because their products The tax is levied).

But for economics layman like me everything is a matter of course intuitive assessment. It seems to me the sales tax increase to make sense when taken to reduce the money-wage labor costs.
the other hand, there is the argument that falls through the development of additional revenue, the pressure for structural reforms and austerity measures.

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Rayson has analyzed it in his blog entry aptly
The staircase Kindler submissions on the "Arbeit macht frei" slogan are not scandalous content. But they are an insult to the people he this statement as information Statement or whatever offers.

is no better all the fuss when the maligned political opponents starts reliably to provocation.
CDU Secretary-General calls according to Kauder Süddeutsche Zeitung Stiegler's dismissal. My goodness! Why do you evaluate candelabra as well as Stiegler still excited by attention? The suspicion arises that the CDU-maligned, or at least Mr. Kauder, to feel taken by such foolish chatter, can possibly act on the same intellectual level.
As an observer I would like just more calm. Mr. Stiegler confused language associations to bring the SPD no longer speak. A
Kauder sovereign Lord, who told the smiling Stiegler, that you play in a different league and do not talk this kind comments would bring the CDU perhaps no additional vote.
But it would look better.

Monday, July 11, 2005

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Again a Koran desecration! Or not?

From the murderer of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who is currently on trial before the court must in the online edition of the mirror to read the following:
"The 27-year-old Mohammed B., Amsterdam-born son Moroccan immigrants, went into the courtroom with a Koran under his arm. "
Where are the protesting Muslims? Is it not a desecration of the holy book, if a murderer this contributes to the courtroom, and uses as a justification for his bloody deed?

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The Left and the Iraq war

A wonderful article by Paul Berman, quoted on the pages of "Friends of the open society" .
An article that actually lists all the arguments. You have to want to read only.

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you your freedom is sometimes scary?

you have the feeling of doing something wrong, if you are paying for your work? If you think you would get too much? Or
are currently unemployed or student and you think that the harried looking guy with the briefcase because too much money on gets the work that you do not do?
it is embarrassing that you give to a craftsman who has messed up grade your bathroom, next time do not order more? Think of the social situation and that he has a right to your job?

If you feel something like this and if you intend to set up at home in this feeling, you should not miss, here know the views of a fish learned to learn.
Although you will have a little trouble putting yourself in the world of thought into it verschwurbelte.
But it's worth it! When you are done, you can fabricate with next text intensive opinions for explanations and look to justify why it is wrong to demand for power in return.
And why it is right that compensation should be made available also without power. By whomever, as long as you do not fish or men are.

Friday, July 8, 2005

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We're afraid not! / We do not fear!

tasteless? Naive? Embarrassing?

No - the correct answer to the Islamist ties.

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dol2day - a nostalgic look back not at all

I admit it: So every one, two days I have seen purely as a guest at dol2day . Because of course remains, after three years of membership in such a community even more interesting how it goes on (perhaps with a spark of vanity, "as it goes on without me." * G *).

I call on the current polls, survey, look into one or the other discussion, check out and even discuss the open forum of my former party ... and always knows less about what has kept me there so long.

Well, on the one hand, has about all the time, of course, developed a social relationship to the other Dolern. And some co-Doler I personally know in the real world and appreciate.

On the other hand, I really felt for some time that reluctance. The reluctance, which was created by the daily trifles, you got to read.
In any discussion appeared flattest "arguments" on - there was general rate polemic on stupid way that the images could be jealous.

But not only that - eventually builds up the whole thing Dol on unique foundations. Dol should not only be just talk but policy-simulation platform.
But what such a policy simulation? How to simulate policy?

Who is in sound at all with this issue understands, including the self-management of this virtual world. So as the creation of internal rules and optical, organizational design options. The first
sounds logical - which would be concrete policies other than the content and the self-organized development of Community Structures?

There are unfortunately only a few concrete problems is

First, the possibility of a limited virtual world to govern (ver), very limited. Will not you scare people on participation, one can not create jungle landscapes of rules just for the purpose of simulating motion. The rule simplification, one might come up at some point as a solution is bound to be limited.
Forage for "political" dispute, which is defined so, that is limited.

is another, even more serious problem that this rule does not simulate in the virtual world Dol-fits with what the normal Humans think of as politics.
a politically interested person is moved from the real issues: issues of economic policy, educational issues, external events and processes, or simply more fundamental ideological beliefs and theories. Just after
answers to these subject areas to define the most and the most representative Dol-parties: There are right-wing, leftist, liberal parties, there are parties that align themselves with real examples and try to parties, the political currents to mix again. Actually a very interesting thing to say, the policy interested.

And what he finds it? Political competition in which he participates with his party colleagues and its stated objective of the chancellor is, may turn to the matters in question, quite reliable indeed is the view have responded to political controversy, the children or PAGE readers may:
As the evil (the leftists, the rightists, the Greens, liberals), here the good guys. And, happy Aufeinanderein-beating!

But then? What beckons to the winner of this dispute, the bearing and the keywords?
A profile picture on the front page, entitled, "Government" forum to design and administer. What else?

Otherwise it will remain, the well-chosen chancellor, has two options: to try

The internal control design. So as to compete against Christian Democrat, Socialist, as a Green against liberals, Communists as against the extreme right and to argue with these opponents to Dol-game rules. Therefore, when polls ask who should who should be punished for that crime against the culture of debate how and which virtual points are what gives.
albeit a political dispute over non-political rules usually in the passive nowhere.
Because votes are decided on the rules then, who is proposing this rule change.
because we are so taken up as a right against the left (and vice versa) in the election of the chancellor. And why should now change the level of meaning, forget real political differences and focus instead argue about virtual community rules? Then yes, the boundary between the followers of this or that rule-idea across "government" and "opposition" and led the basics of the election took place ad absurdum.

The other possibility of a chancellor, is his real political conviction through statements at home and abroad to represent. This he can do. While there are some extremists of the status quo, who want to restrict the Chancellor in the described role as an apolitical absurd rule proposal instance, but the majority seems to be a politically occurring Registrar not particularly objectionable to find.
Here was a concept that my colleagues and I model of "two levels" called.
goal was to separate the internal control plane from the real-political level. So to give itself the real-defining political parties in the contest for the chancellorship also such content.
While the rule simulators separately in groups together and together choose could reasonably be expected to enjoy the non-political rule-making pleasures without it, "left" and "right" to define or defend properly far in this camp mixture to have.

The image we had in mind was a chancellor, who is perceived by the outside Dols-advertises. While he is freed from the internal, non-political organization and usually cares only about the politics, the men of Dol attracts and the basis of the dollar parties. In which he as at least a few thousand people elected Chancellor on various topics as publicity statement refers. As natural as possible on issues which could be attributed to members of a political web-platform expertise.

The "two levels" concept is, as I have recently seen, failed in a vote.
meantime I am also of the opinion that it had to fail.
The majority of the Dole has set up the status quo. The majority uses Dol as a discussion forum, the parties used as a meeting place of like-minded and has the choice of a chancellor for a fairly trivial matter in which one won the best political candidates are close to his voice. Whatever.
Self-awareness and interest for the experiment is missing, interact with an elected Chancellor of the real policy.
Registrar and with him organized, on a goal-oriented political competition has been laid ad acta. Even if the form still preserves and acts as if it was bad when the political opponent has the dubious pleasure to ask the Registrar.

As I no longer represent Dol. And when are no additional project, I think it failed.
I will go soon have to erase the dollar account "Boche" and remove the link from my blog. Because I can really recommend dol2day not.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

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jail attack against journalist

I did not know that something is in the mother country of the free world legally possible:
A journalist is arrested, to force them to disclose their source.

the words of journalist (Judith Miller of The New York Times ") is there really nothing to add:

" If journalists can not be trusted, that they keep secrets, then journalists can not work, and it can not free Press enter "

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a terrible deja vu experience: At lunch, the colleague who told of attacks. This time, thus London. Deaths, injuries, terrible images of destruction and panic.

In November 2001, raised a fear the terror of the images. I could not define the time, she only felt and felt what many felt well: Something has changed fundamentally.

Today I know I was wrong. Basically, the terrorists changed the world do not have. They could kill thousands of their weird ideology but could not defeat them hated system of freedom.
the contrary - they have the view of the world public to the sad, miserable conditions steered, in which people not only die but still want to. What will the propagandists of death, the hate-preachers and dictators are ready.
The world has started to look and respond.

And so it will be this time (if the attacks originate from the same corner): they can cause pain, they can not win.

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power of images or: How television defines Africa

on the pages of freedom factory there is an interesting article about the power of media images on the example of European-Western view of Africa.
"Such an artificial face for 'Africa' is the little black kid with the big, bright eyes, emaciated mother with the baby at the breast flaccid and the wide-angle view of a drying . Waterhole with an animal skull in the middle ground "
The author uses this term, leading directly to the donations, the financial readiness and the traditional development, contrary to a provocative image that would of course shown in any television program on the needy Africa:
" ... Pictures [n] of African elites who receive this aid ultimately probably to a large extent in the greedy paws, with the star shining fleet, the villas, the weapons, the tanks and jet aircraft, with military and Coronation Parade, with all the feist grinning monsters genocide (of western and eastern Grace )..."
The article covers I think the wonderful "social Kitsch" on, which ultimately extended suffering and misery. Because he is in altruistic feelings of helpfulness rather than lose the "needy" as equal recognition. Because then the first goal would have called any help, this help us to become equal to men is actually the same law. to drive the same right to freedom, to democratic participation and the same right to trade rather than remain dependent on handouts.

The Lafontaine, the stir in front of these foreign workers, then with the fear and brought to the advertising effect of pop stars, which would then lose the sympathy mesh, we are already living can.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

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EU Parliament shows strength

Although the result is still unclear, heterogeneous European law, it may well be won for now breathe easier.
The EU Parliament has cut the EU Council by an overwhelming majority the draft patent directive to the ears.
actually a normal process - had ignored the Council and Commission, but virtually all change demands of elected representatives. Still has long been unclear whether the Brussels bureaucracy and big business lobby the parliamentarians would not pull still on the table.

The EU Commission and EU Council have received the receipt for contempt of Parliament. The task will continue to develop an innovation-friendly solution to the patent problem. Perhaps this is a chance if the dust have.

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"If you even in here?"

Aha, so that's that.

It says those who have only seen from a distance, attractive colleague - young, maybe twenty, twenty-two years - at the door and asks me, quoted above. Buy it when she says it, I feel that the "you", which she used to me, has a peculiar taste.
I stammer an answer and then go to my desk pondering.
Suddenly I have it: The "you" was a speech of an age barrier of time, I had not felt that for but they exist in a frightening self-evident.
On one side of the "you" I stood with me now familiar abdominal approach slowly going up to forty.
On the other hand, she stood, and with it all the eighteen or twenty, who lived her own youth, where every year, as every party seems infinitely more. And that someone who is 15 years older, so infinitely much older occurs.

I will have to slowly get used to life as an old bag.

Monday, July 4, 2005

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communism reloaded

still exist, critics of the "private ownership of means of production". In our midst, on the Internet they drive around and do what they could at best have always been:
to give to simple questions with simple answers and ancient logic to pack in as complicated as possible so next text deserts.

to the question "Why are many people in developing countries poor?" the author asks the reader:

"Perhaps you could answer the above question is short and easy to understand so that both a normal person and a nine-year-old child a proper explanation about the cause of poverty and learn in it."

The question he is not in vain: he himself was not in a position to.

But I do him / her a favor and just summarize the text in a surge Conclusion In short:

poverty arises because private property because it paid work and because there are large corporations. This twisted logic

again to enjoy, live and in color:

"hunger is so only where there are not enough money to buy the existing product; ... blame for the exclusion of wealth is the private property .

If the problem then is that people have enough to earn a living, we create just the property from all over.
then have not too little, they have nothing. And the differences in prosperity are (lowest to a conceivable level, specifically Zero) leveled.

nice that one is reminded every now and then turn that waft of idiotic ideas by some heads. And nice to be reminded of how arrogant, colonialist thinks communism to have to use the poverty of the world for its outdated ideology