... a single post!
That really is the (rather infamous) "record" on this blog.
What I say now to my defense - all the work? - The now almost daily short messages on facebook, do not require great elaboration of a topic, but where to occasional "flashes" easily share online with? - Or the increasingly intensive exchanges with the "real-existing" siblings?
whatever the cause, a lack of spiritual life is - thank God - at least not!
is the inexhaustible riches of His glory!
That really is the (rather infamous) "record" on this blog.
What I say now to my defense - all the work? - The now almost daily short messages on facebook, do not require great elaboration of a topic, but where to occasional "flashes" easily share online with? - Or the increasingly intensive exchanges with the "real-existing" siblings?
whatever the cause, a lack of spiritual life is - thank God - at least not!
is the inexhaustible riches of His glory!

I was supposed to be highly motivated, because I've noticed recently that Blogger has an integrated statistics function (at the beginning of my Blogger existence I had been installed a short time a counter, but it will soon be abolished, because I the constant squinting at the numbers of visitors but seemed very suspicious) - but now I look and am amazed daily at the 200-300 requests - more than a month 6.ooo from many regions of the world!
Why - despite the fact there are currently so rare to read something new here ...
.. but even I myself am using now this blog from the store when it comes to discussions and positions on various topics, and I often quote myself openly, without a topic to research new again - this is really handy :-)
There will come probably come again to a higher contribution rate, but everything is welcome to their time ...
the momment .. so is the time in which it is remembered more for the coming of our Savior Jesus - but I ( again) so no "Christmas" feel and also it appears that the meaning of His second coming, and the attendant circumstances, even more clearly to emerge and to be relevant - one must now surely be a prophet to see that world are very existential changes are underway.
But even without any apocalyptic scenario is clear:
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself"
Love does no harm. So now is the love of the law fulfilled. And doing it because you realize the time, which is that the hour as to awake out of sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than at the time when we believed.
(Röm13 :9-11)
For a follower of Jesus should also be clear that all the remaining prophecies of Scripture are precisely meet as they are announced. The real challenge is that our Focus on Jesus and His "grand finale" is - on the return of the Lord in His glory - and that will be visible to everyone!
That makes us firmly and secure and will protect us completely regardless of the circumstances in His peace. Yes, we are "crying wolf" does not continue to work with, but raise our head (Jesus) and go to meet Him as His chosen bride.
Let us therefore live in the light of the coming day:
waiting For once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord;
Walk as children of light!
(Eph.5: 8)
I am very grateful to all readers, I appreciate the interest and wish everyone a joyful expectation of the Lord!
Why - despite the fact there are currently so rare to read something new here ...
.. but even I myself am using now this blog from the store when it comes to discussions and positions on various topics, and I often quote myself openly, without a topic to research new again - this is really handy :-)
There will come probably come again to a higher contribution rate, but everything is welcome to their time ...
the momment .. so is the time in which it is remembered more for the coming of our Savior Jesus - but I ( again) so no "Christmas" feel and also it appears that the meaning of His second coming, and the attendant circumstances, even more clearly to emerge and to be relevant - one must now surely be a prophet to see that world are very existential changes are underway.
But even without any apocalyptic scenario is clear:
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself"
Love does no harm. So now is the love of the law fulfilled. And doing it because you realize the time, which is that the hour as to awake out of sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than at the time when we believed.
(Röm13 :9-11)
For a follower of Jesus should also be clear that all the remaining prophecies of Scripture are precisely meet as they are announced. The real challenge is that our Focus on Jesus and His "grand finale" is - on the return of the Lord in His glory - and that will be visible to everyone!
That makes us firmly and secure and will protect us completely regardless of the circumstances in His peace. Yes, we are "crying wolf" does not continue to work with, but raise our head (Jesus) and go to meet Him as His chosen bride.
Let us therefore live in the light of the coming day:
waiting For once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord;
Walk as children of light!
(Eph.5: 8)
I am very grateful to all readers, I appreciate the interest and wish everyone a joyful expectation of the Lord!