Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beautifulagony Whole Body


"... the need to know any myself."
This phrase is taken so many dispute the focus or even an end.

Ok, what's good for me, it must be for a long time not for you - this is certainly true, but can this human wisdom and for following Jesus, for the church and the kingdom of God are valid? Well little, for what is now often overlooked times: in the succession are not the personal views and insights of the Corporation, are not human reasoning and intelligence, not democratic majorities decide right or bad, but -

We have a king!

fact, we live as Christians in an absolute monarchy, which only has a saying: JESUS!
He ruled with an unspeakable power and glory, with meekness and righteousness.

to believe Him is no interlektueller act it means submission and have the confidence that everything he says is the best.

individualism, humanism and democracy, we will all be portrayed as the great achievements of mankind in mind, are the concerns in the kingdom of God totally counter-productive. However, we are trained from childhood to make our own decisions, it probably has the Western enlightened individualist therefore so difficult to cope with the realities of the Kingdom.

Verily I say unto you, will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not go into.

(Mar 10:15) What

Spirit Valley Tung in the education of children already has the upper hand, you can find, if even little children should be your choice as to whether to now, for example, a completely identical product would prefer to consume from the red or the blue packaging. Something is not just a constant overload of the children, but you will also be possible rapidly, ever grateful to accept what their parents have chosen for them, simply because they have learned to trust that it's best for them . But this "it will eat what's on your plate" mentality of the past, we have so thoroughly and so rid a society of people created that are dedicated to their own goals, desires and ideas to fruition -

The good word for it is individuals, the bad egoists.

In fact, a man who so constantly revolves around itself, not a distinct individual, but highly manipulated and his Wahlmöglichlkeiten are in fact rarely go beyond the choice between the red or blue box.
who considers it an important decision, whether he goes Volkswagen or Audi, whether Greek or Italian food goes, if he looks at the film in the first or second program if he or Marlboro Luky Strike smokes, whether he belongs to or to Borussia 1.FC and whether it Nike or Addidas sneakers buy, who has long been sacrificed on the altar of any decision-making ability of the consumer frenzy.

But I would not be here practicing social criticism, but to point out how difficult it is for us therefore to accept that we are dealing in the realm of God often with their own decisions, but simply with obedience or disobedience to an absolute master, and His Word.

Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
(Matt. 7:21)

Instead of repentance and conversion of their own ways to access and allow the heart to offer captured the people of the Holy Spirit and full of their lost and Boßheit can be converted, we are the gospel today, rather than a personal decision to - whether from today "for Jesus" .
But Jesus demands a decision "with Him" go !

So now each of you who does not renounce all that he can not be my disciple.
(Luke 14:33)

you have this or a similar word ever heard at a "altar call" to the decision "for Jesus"?
That fits us not only of our human nature, not in the stuff, but do our education and the achievements of our time, yet one step further to ensure that we are ultimately designed to perfect rebels. But with a suitcase full of personal belongings, in truth no one comes through the narrow gate.

There are no "gospel light" , as offered in our "you must" society so much - it's just a cheap copy of the original to us to stop!

Happy the man who is transformed by the Word of God and the Holy Ghost of this fact that the human pride in whatever form the biggest obstacle for this is that our prayer "Thy will be done, as it is in heaven on earth" in our succession, the community and thus reaches also visible in the world to its fulfillment.

what you think though? A man had two children, and he went up to the first and said, "Son, go out today, I work in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not; but he repented later, and he went. And he went up to the second and said likewise. But he answered and said, I am, sir, and never left. Which of the two did the will of the Father? They say to him: the first one. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, that the tax collectors and the prostitutes you lead the way into the kingdom of God.
(Mat 21:28-31)

The key word here is: ". .. But then repented him and he went"




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