A simile is used again and again like when it comes to spiritual warfare is involved in every Christian, is concerned the whole armor of God from Ephesians.
Apart from the fact that many Christians today really do not understand, or only reluctantly as a fighter (though Paul's letters are full of these statements), it is immediately clear that such equipment only makes sense if it completely is created. to go into battle without shoes is just as little sense as without helmet or shield or sword, because that makes it virtually incapable of action and would be dangerous for such a fighter.
Therefore, it also means
Put on the full armor of God so that you are able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
(Eph 6:11)
Yes, it is in this struggle for a cunning opponent - no one can survive without, or with an incomplete equipment!
So if the pull many not even in the battle, says the opponent because it can freely be destructive work continued. For those who do it but it is only this one Opportunity:
They have to make any that remain vulnerable ones, because features of all equipment, they are completely invincible become for him!
Oops - is not now greatly exaggerated?
Finally, it is not about any one opponent ...
NO, not exaggerated, given that this is in our equipment and not just any product of human blacksmithing, but:
the armor of God!
Apart from the fact that many Christians today really do not understand, or only reluctantly as a fighter (though Paul's letters are full of these statements), it is immediately clear that such equipment only makes sense if it completely is created. to go into battle without shoes is just as little sense as without helmet or shield or sword, because that makes it virtually incapable of action and would be dangerous for such a fighter.
Therefore, it also means
Put on the full armor of God so that you are able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
(Eph 6:11)
Yes, it is in this struggle for a cunning opponent - no one can survive without, or with an incomplete equipment!
So if the pull many not even in the battle, says the opponent because it can freely be destructive work continued. For those who do it but it is only this one Opportunity:
They have to make any that remain vulnerable ones, because features of all equipment, they are completely invincible become for him!
Oops - is not now greatly exaggerated?
Finally, it is not about any one opponent ...
NO, not exaggerated, given that this is in our equipment and not just any product of human blacksmithing, but:
the armor of God!

what God has prepared them for us, Jesus has given us and by the Holy Spirit will be presented to us.
schonmal Have you noticed that the "whole armor of God" does not stop with the helmet of salvation and the Word of God in verse 17? The meisst boom and observations make a stop here - so that's it - in the fight! Then still the prayer is addressed, but that's probably already clear that we pray ...
These are but not ordinary prayers, but prayers in the Spirit, which is nothing more than "prayer language" means.
" pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit at all times, and that end keep alert with all perseverance and supplication for all saints "
(Eph 6:18)
that this is about the language prayer and intercession for all comrades in arms, is thus all the more emphasized, because it is the Spirit himself prays and he is indeed that of Jesus in Joh.14. 26 promised "Paraclete," which means among other things, intercessor / advocate
To make this important distinction for rational prayer much, I refer to Paul's own definition of "Praying in the Spirit":
"If I pray in a language, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful."
(1 Cor 14:14)
That should still be clear enough to what is basic difference is this. If the meaning is still not clear to Paul explains it again like this:
"What is it now I will pray with the spirit, but I will also pray with the mind, and I will sing praise with the mind, but? I will sing praise with the mind. "
(1 Cor 14:15)
This means that if the speech actually prayer for the spiritual armor to one, then it is not entirely clear why it is so controversial? Hardly a spiritual gift is so much under attack, and hardly anyone sees it is the spiritual ground equipment this is one - if that is not even a trick of the adversary ...
and nochwas:
This call to create the spiritual armor is plural!
This fight, like all services and spiritual effects of a collaborative effort in the Body of Christ!
So we better draw on the full armor of God!
These are but not ordinary prayers, but prayers in the Spirit, which is nothing more than "prayer language" means.
" pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit at all times, and that end keep alert with all perseverance and supplication for all saints "
(Eph 6:18)
that this is about the language prayer and intercession for all comrades in arms, is thus all the more emphasized, because it is the Spirit himself prays and he is indeed that of Jesus in Joh.14. 26 promised "Paraclete," which means among other things, intercessor / advocate
To make this important distinction for rational prayer much, I refer to Paul's own definition of "Praying in the Spirit":
"If I pray in a language, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful."
(1 Cor 14:14)
That should still be clear enough to what is basic difference is this. If the meaning is still not clear to Paul explains it again like this:
"What is it now I will pray with the spirit, but I will also pray with the mind, and I will sing praise with the mind, but? I will sing praise with the mind. "
(1 Cor 14:15)
This means that if the speech actually prayer for the spiritual armor to one, then it is not entirely clear why it is so controversial? Hardly a spiritual gift is so much under attack, and hardly anyone sees it is the spiritual ground equipment this is one - if that is not even a trick of the adversary ...
and nochwas:
This call to create the spiritual armor is plural!
This fight, like all services and spiritual effects of a collaborative effort in the Body of Christ!
So we better draw on the full armor of God!
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