What are you thinking about this title?
Maybe something like:
"Jesus is the Son of God"
"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life ..."
"Jesus died for our sins and rose again"
"Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer"
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son ..."
"The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit"
"Now I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"
... or one of the many deep truths that are terrible but also superficial and dead can and especially the non-Christians are going to go right at the A. .. rm over.
So what is the ultimate truth?
Yeah, Jesus himself it is! And that says something very important:
The truth is alive!
That does not mean that they are today and tomorrow would be different - because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever - but truth we encounter every day new and different! And the most exciting thing is, otherwise you would be actually on the safe side, if one were to learn the Bible by heart (or at least it has always under his arm).
"Search the scriptures; because you think in them to have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me;. and you will not come to me, that have their lives "
(John 5:39,40) It
! go in all the Scriptures the living truth, for Jesus
come to Him shall we -.! only "have" the truth we
Then the word of God alive and sharp as a sword
how sharp your sword is, however, you realize until you fetch it from the shrine of truth out there and use in daily life. What a blessing for example on the type of the only two coins is shown, you never know, unless you have thousands of reserves in the account! You will also experience no bread and fishes miracle, unless you have a full refrigerator and how you can experience God's healing power, if your first thought up to the doctor or the pharmacy out?
Yes, the word of God is alive - the Holy Spirit is able to breathe life to the written word and suddenly hits you a verse that you have read a hundred times, right into the heart or makes you totally energized.
You know - God has spoken and He calls you to come out in "real life" - life in the truth - His Divine truth.
Maybe something like:
"Jesus is the Son of God"
"Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life ..."
"Jesus died for our sins and rose again"
"Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer"
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son ..."
"The love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit"
"Now I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"
... or one of the many deep truths that are terrible but also superficial and dead can and especially the non-Christians are going to go right at the A. .. rm over.
So what is the ultimate truth?
Yeah, Jesus himself it is! And that says something very important:
The truth is alive!
That does not mean that they are today and tomorrow would be different - because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever - but truth we encounter every day new and different! And the most exciting thing is, otherwise you would be actually on the safe side, if one were to learn the Bible by heart (or at least it has always under his arm).
"Search the scriptures; because you think in them to have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me;. and you will not come to me, that have their lives "
(John 5:39,40) It
! go in all the Scriptures the living truth, for Jesus
come to Him shall we -.! only "have" the truth we
Then the word of God alive and sharp as a sword
how sharp your sword is, however, you realize until you fetch it from the shrine of truth out there and use in daily life. What a blessing for example on the type of the only two coins is shown, you never know, unless you have thousands of reserves in the account! You will also experience no bread and fishes miracle, unless you have a full refrigerator and how you can experience God's healing power, if your first thought up to the doctor or the pharmacy out?
Yes, the word of God is alive - the Holy Spirit is able to breathe life to the written word and suddenly hits you a verse that you have read a hundred times, right into the heart or makes you totally energized.
You know - God has spoken and He calls you to come out in "real life" - life in the truth - His Divine truth.

"It is the spirit that gives life"
He breathed into our slow heart a life!
Without a living spirit - that "mindless" is the Bible tiring and boring.
is also even the "right" preaching of the word torture, if not the fire of the Spirit is burning -
Only fire can ignite a fire!
Jesus says:
It is written. "Not on bread alone shall man live, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God"
(Matt. 4:4)
is because ".. by the mouth of God emanates" - not ".. has gone" - It is an effective, dynamic process to us from God - that's the whole difference! Only the living word is - it is not to "manage", not to enforce and not to manipulate, but it has life, because it is alive. Anyone can be the "mouth of God" and proclaim the truth here and now.
Besser is a living word of God, a thousand dead truths!
I hope now is finally the ultimate Christl. Post succeeded truth ;-))
He breathed into our slow heart a life!
Without a living spirit - that "mindless" is the Bible tiring and boring.
is also even the "right" preaching of the word torture, if not the fire of the Spirit is burning -
Only fire can ignite a fire!
Jesus says:
It is written. "Not on bread alone shall man live, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God"
(Matt. 4:4)
is because ".. by the mouth of God emanates" - not ".. has gone" - It is an effective, dynamic process to us from God - that's the whole difference! Only the living word is - it is not to "manage", not to enforce and not to manipulate, but it has life, because it is alive. Anyone can be the "mouth of God" and proclaim the truth here and now.
Besser is a living word of God, a thousand dead truths!
I hope now is finally the ultimate Christl. Post succeeded truth ;-))
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