Tuesday, July 12, 2005

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Dumpfbacke Theater

Rayson has analyzed it in his blog entry aptly
The staircase Kindler submissions on the "Arbeit macht frei" slogan are not scandalous content. But they are an insult to the people he this statement as information Statement or whatever offers.

is no better all the fuss when the maligned political opponents starts reliably to provocation.
CDU Secretary-General calls according to Kauder Süddeutsche Zeitung Stiegler's dismissal. My goodness! Why do you evaluate candelabra as well as Stiegler still excited by attention? The suspicion arises that the CDU-maligned, or at least Mr. Kauder, to feel taken by such foolish chatter, can possibly act on the same intellectual level.
As an observer I would like just more calm. Mr. Stiegler confused language associations to bring the SPD no longer speak. A
Kauder sovereign Lord, who told the smiling Stiegler, that you play in a different league and do not talk this kind comments would bring the CDU perhaps no additional vote.
But it would look better.


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