still exist, critics of the "private ownership of means of production". In our midst, on the Internet they drive around and do what they could at best have always been:
to give to simple questions with simple answers and ancient logic to pack in as complicated as possible so next text deserts.
to the question "Why are many people in developing countries poor?" the author asks the reader:
"Perhaps you could answer the above question is short and easy to understand so that both a normal person and a nine-year-old child a proper explanation about the cause of poverty and learn in it."
The question he is not in vain: he himself was not in a position to.
But I do him / her a favor and just summarize the text in a surge Conclusion In short:
poverty arises because private property because it paid work and because there are large corporations. This twisted logic
again to enjoy, live and in color:
"hunger is so only where there are not enough money to buy the existing product; ... blame for the exclusion of wealth is the private property .
If the problem then is that people have enough to earn a living, we create just the property from all over.
then have not too little, they have nothing. And the differences in prosperity are (lowest to a conceivable level, specifically Zero) leveled.
nice that one is reminded every now and then turn that waft of idiotic ideas by some heads. And nice to be reminded of how arrogant, colonialist thinks communism to have to use the poverty of the world for its outdated ideology
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