Dear, dear Mr. Dreyer and Volxbibelteam,
it urges me to write you some very appreciative lines.
I'm ministerial and nearly fifty. I love my Bible - for me, as you put it in the Annex to Volxbibel, a poem - and I have not had imagined that we need yet another translation. I know modern translations appeared to me weak and softened. It almost seemed as a kind of desecration attempt to make the Bible competition. After what I had read years ago in news about the Volxbibel, I declined it. Strongly.
Somehow it came over me, and I have the Volxbibel (AT and NT 3.0) a few weeks ago bought myself for Christmas, perhaps because much of my life has changed. With Luke (because of the Christmas story), I soon started on it and must say I'm thrilled. Forgive me if I have done for years in a spirit of injustice. I think your approach, angular, expressive language, youth and courage to approach translation of the Bible class. It is not my language, but I like it, and it puts me in biblical passages that seemed long familiar in a completely new idea, perhaps even insights.
I'm probably not suited to contribute ever for an upcoming edition of a drafting proposal, which would be adopted. I certainly do not belong to the target group and speak differently. But I will still be a happy reader. Currently, there is me, at least so that I am content and am happy when I have time and again to continue my Volxbibellektüre a piece ... can
Many thanks and best wishes!
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