At 0 degrees Celsius play Tarzan? I'm not stupid ... Well, but what must be ne :-) It was sooo cold! But for that it was worth it. We laughed so much and had fun without end. Hope that carries over to the viewers of the broadcast. Just humor us in this Clipartpredigt particularly important. In this film by episodes episodes has revolved around trust. Who has lied too often and has seen too often the hypocrisy and double standards in church and society for which trust is a foreign word. As is the saying: Trust, but verify. It is control of death for any relationship. Because the lives of freedom and free will. How you can learn to trust, although disappointed been established, we can learn in the encounter with God. This current film with relationships - trust, "is on Saturday, 03 Jan. 09th on ERFeins broadcast and then click under TV / consequences see consequences as Live Stream . Also, there was the show as a podcast . iTunes users can click directly here. The DVDs of consequences may follow directly from me ( be ordered) or
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